Back from London and Wales

Some people are so focused on posting blogs. I am simply in awe of them! (As you might have guessed, I am not one of those people.) I guess I figure that you don't need to hear from me every day, or even every week. I write when I have something important to say and not when I feel like hearing my voice (or writing my words) without purpose.
I really enjoyed Wales and managed to see four plays in London. For those ten days, I was not an appellate attorney, I was a writer, photographer, and just plain tourist. It was a very relaxing time and I encourage all attorneys to take breaks and vacations from work. If you can truly leave your work behind, you will come back more energized and relaxed. (Of course, I might take it to an extreme with my vacation schedule.) And while our clients might love us, it is our family and friends who will be there for us long after our clients' cases have concluded or we retire.
On a more serious note, shortly before the trip I learned that my boyfriend Tony was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, stage 3. It was a big blow to us and we are trying to recover our footing. Needless to say, our lives have taken a new direction. Not only will we be involved with many doctors and medical personnel, but we will be meeting new people. Everyone has a story to tell and they all seem to be eager to share their experiences. Forget about small talk! And if there is a choice of being with Tony rather than writing a blog, well, you can only guess who comes first.
Another point - try not to work so hard. Life isn't always so neat and tidy. A family member could easily get sick or have an accident, and what do you do if your calendar is so packed with appointments. Make time now, when everyone is in good health, but make time when they need you. Everything else is secondary.
Okay, enough of the personal stuff. I want to write a few posts on standards of review. I know, it doesn't sound that sexy, but trial lawyers really need to be aware of how the appellate courts will view their cases. Each standard has its own set of rules, including how the case is viewed, and that means you need to be aware of these rules at the trial level, and the appellate attorney needs to be tailor his or her arguments to address these standards. It is not simply a matter of the trial court made an error and it needs to be fixed. But more on that later.
I really enjoyed Wales and managed to see four plays in London. For those ten days, I was not an appellate attorney, I was a writer, photographer, and just plain tourist. It was a very relaxing time and I encourage all attorneys to take breaks and vacations from work. If you can truly leave your work behind, you will come back more energized and relaxed. (Of course, I might take it to an extreme with my vacation schedule.) And while our clients might love us, it is our family and friends who will be there for us long after our clients' cases have concluded or we retire.
On a more serious note, shortly before the trip I learned that my boyfriend Tony was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, stage 3. It was a big blow to us and we are trying to recover our footing. Needless to say, our lives have taken a new direction. Not only will we be involved with many doctors and medical personnel, but we will be meeting new people. Everyone has a story to tell and they all seem to be eager to share their experiences. Forget about small talk! And if there is a choice of being with Tony rather than writing a blog, well, you can only guess who comes first.
Another point - try not to work so hard. Life isn't always so neat and tidy. A family member could easily get sick or have an accident, and what do you do if your calendar is so packed with appointments. Make time now, when everyone is in good health, but make time when they need you. Everything else is secondary.
Okay, enough of the personal stuff. I want to write a few posts on standards of review. I know, it doesn't sound that sexy, but trial lawyers really need to be aware of how the appellate courts will view their cases. Each standard has its own set of rules, including how the case is viewed, and that means you need to be aware of these rules at the trial level, and the appellate attorney needs to be tailor his or her arguments to address these standards. It is not simply a matter of the trial court made an error and it needs to be fixed. But more on that later.
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